Saturday, March 17, 2012

More on Mass Effect 3 and Consumer Entitlement

I think this comes down to basically customers bought a product (Mass Effect 3), disliked that product, and they have every right to complain in the ways they see fit.  As Erik Kain says, I don’t think this would be controversial if it were any other product.  And of course they are entitled!  They bought the product and in many cases, multiple products, early, at maximum profitability!  Why shouldn’t they want an appropriate return for making those investments?

Additionally, the point of playing video games is to make an impact on the game itself.  That’s why we play games rather than watch movies.  Making one ending no matter the choices made strikes me as laziness as much as anything.  The calculation Bioware made I am sure comes down to the fact that a relatively small percentage of customers played all three games, invested in them, and make it to the end of #3.  The business case is obvious for not focusing on that small group of customers, but you would hope that they would care a little more about their product if nothing else for the pride of making a decent product (I know, how naïve of me to even suggest it!).

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