Friday, March 16, 2012

Internet Demand to Increase 10x,15013.html

Not exactly surprising news but gets at the reason I’m not too bullish on services like OnLive.  My household already has two dedicated internet users at night (my wife and I) and my kids aren’t yet old enough to start using, but will in the next 5 years or so.  My bandwidth cap (Comcast) is 250 GBs a month.  Sounds like a lot, but if I want to stream 1080p shows, that can get chewed through rather quickly.  And especially with gaming, I want all the fidelity I can (looking to pick up a 2560x1440 monitor soon and see 4K screens on the horizon).  Even if somehow the data caps issue is resolved (which I am still skeptical), I would hate to feel the lag and /or latency spikes and poor quality video due to having to share so much bandwidth with the rest of my house, but maybe I am too much of a technology skeptic.

If OnLive could iron out those kinks, it could be a game changer, but for some reason (old age maybe?), I still prefer the idea of owning my games and my hardware although subscriptions to everything seems to be the way stuff (Netflix, OnLive, Dropbox, etc) is going.

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