Am I the only one around that isn’t interested in seeing one more great single player franchise invest their time in a multiplayer environment? I realize this doesn’t necessarily mean that single player game development will cease, but it would be naïve to think it will occur with the same intensity as talent will be drawn from those games. I am one of the unlucky few who hasn’t yet played Skyrim because I am cheap and I have a ton of other great stuff to play (e.g. The Witcher), however, I am definitely looking forward to it, and I am clearly looking forward to whatever the next version will be and even the DLC. MMOs are big bulky adventures that can be great, but because of their nature, they by definition require a huge investment of time, and potentially money (although more likely than not, all new MMOs will be free to play soon enough).
Personally, I like single player games because they allow you to be the hero. MMOs attempt to do this, but because everyone is already in the game, they simply can't provide the feeling of uniqueness - particularly if your time in the game is limited.
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